by Suzanne Davis | Jan 16, 2024 | College and Graduate School, Reading and Research
I know it sounds a little strange on the surface. How can writing in a reading journal help you have a higher GPA? It gives you an edge over other students because it increases your ability to understand, analyze, and write about what you read—skills other...
by Suzanne Davis | May 14, 2020 | Reading and Research
Finding academic research online isn’t easy. When I switched from teaching at colleges to online academic tutoring, I missed going to university libraries and having access to scholarly journals and other vasts amounts of research (whether I was there in-person or...
by Suzanne Davis | Feb 6, 2020 | Reading and Research, Writing Technology
There are 20 million books and texts on the Internet Archive. Internet Archive is a digital library with free books, texts, videos, audio recordings, webpages, and software. It is my go-to place for research because you can find credible primary and secondary...