by Suzanne Davis | May 12, 2022 | Writing Essays and Papers, Writing Process
Do you need to create a research question? Can’t you start searching for sources without a research question? You could try that, but you would need to hunt for an idea among a maze of articles, books, and other research. The best strategy for finding...
by Suzanne Davis | Mar 10, 2022 | Writing Resources
I dread editing. Editing isn’t my superpower; it is my writing weakness. It’s painful and tedious, but it can transform a bad or ok research paper into an excellent one. And while no online editing tool can replace a human’s eyes for...
by Suzanne Davis | Feb 10, 2022 | Writing Resources, Writing Technology
“Suzanne, I have the perfect online writing tool for you.” I receive many emails from people telling me about an excellent new app, tool, or website for writers or students. And since I tutor academic writing online, I try all kinds of writing tools and...
by Suzanne Davis | Feb 2, 2022 | Writing Motivation
When I struggle with writing, I think of Fyodor Dostoevsky. I think of him waiting to be executed for his beliefs (he wasn’t). I imagine him freezing in a Siberian Prison Camp. He suffered, he endured, he didn’t quit, and he wrote amazing novels. Dostoevsky...
by Suzanne Davis | Jan 6, 2022 | Writing Organization
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by writing? Your teacher or professor assigns a writing project, and you think “I don’t even know how to start?” Or do you struggle to begin any other piece of writing that seems large? Even experienced writers get nervous...