“I believe every student is a writer with something unique and important to say. Every piece of writing has the power to change the world. I help students use the power of writing to change their lives, and make our world better.”
About Suzanne
Hi! My name is Suzanne Davis, and I am an online academic writing tutor. I created Academic Writing Success because I wanted to give college students the writing and academic skills they need to succeed in college.
I tutor students who want to share their thoughts by writing powerful academic papers. I teach students how to write persuasive, informative and interesting academic essays and research papers.
I also write a weekly academic writing blog on this website. These blog posts are full of advice on how to improve your writing and research skills.
My mission is for my students to have confidence in their ability to write for college, graduate school and their future professions.
My Story
I started teaching ESL and academic writing in 2001. I have a BA in English from Russell Sage College, an MA in English from Boston College, and an MA in TESOL from the School for International Training. I have taught and tutored ESL and academic writing at Boston College and Northeastern University.
When I taught at Northeastern University, I had students who worried about their ability to write academic essays for other college classes. They feared their professors wouldn’t understand their writing. Would they get a good grade on their research papers?
I wanted to help everyone. I met all my students outside of class to assist them in brainstorming, writing and revising their research papers. My students loved working on their writing with me. But, I could only meet with each student for 15 minutes because I was teaching classes all day. I wished I had more time to work with my students.
I wanted to offer more help to more students. So, I started Academic Writing Success because online tutoring gives me more time to work with students on their academic writing.
Online tutoring is important to me because I can meet students, like you, and help them with all elements of writing. Students get the individual attention they need to write excellent papers for their classes. Excellent research papers lead to great grades. I want that success for my students.
I never want you to feel your professors can’t understand your writing. I don’t want you to doubt your ability to write academic papers.
Suzanne E. Davis
Founder and Online Academic Writing Tutor at Academic Writing Success.
Unusual Facts About Me
1. I learned to drive a boat when I was 5 years old.
2. I started collecting elephants over 20 years ago. Elephants with their trunks pointed up are good luck. But, I love all my elephants, even those with their trunks pointed down.
3. I love elephants so much that I symbolically adopted a Pygmy Elephant.
4. My favorite book growing up was The Sneetches and Other Stories by Dr. Suess.
5. My favorite quotation is from Mahatma Gandhi, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Aren’t those words inspiring?
6. One of the things I want to do in the next 5 years is hike the Appalachian Trail. I love a good adventure!
7. I became a vegetarian because I hated meatloaf, and I needed to give my mom a reason why I wouldn’t eat her meatloaf. I’ve been a vegetarian for over 25 years!