Are you excited about writing a persuasive argumentative essay?

Do you have strong feelings about your topic, and is it important to you? Do you need to convince your readers of your viewpoint?  You should.  But it’s challenging finding topics that both excite you and have a lot of research you can analyze. So, I’ve collected 10 daring persuasive argumentative essay topics you can dive into and sift through facts and evidence to write a compelling argumentative essay.

Some of these essay prompts are hot topics in the news, others look at ongoing situations, and others are off-beat topics that you can narrow down to create a unique persuasive argumentative essay. You can find research on each topic. But remember to examine more than one perspective. No matter how you feel about a subject, address other points of view in your writing.

10 Persuasive Argumentative Essay Topics

10 Exciting Persuasive Argumentative Essay Prompts


#1 Athletes Kneeling at Sporting Events

Should athletes be allowed to kneel in protest during the American National Anthem? Research opposing points of view. Then write a solid case for why people should agree with you. Use examples and address the opposite side’s argument. How can you support your opinion? A great way to conclude this essay topic is to write what you want people to do about this issue.


#2 Healthy Diet

What is the best diet for losing weight? Research different weight loss diets. Determine which diet is the most effective for a certain group of people (children or teens, adults, people with high cholesterol etc.) The more specific you are in the group of people you select the higher the quality of your argument.

Different diets can be very controversial.  Make sure you consider the arguments of health professionals for and against a diet. Examine the results of these diets. Are the results credible? Are there risks and dangers involved in a diet?


#3 Social Media Changes and Federal Regulation

Should Facebook, Twitter, Google etc. need to label what person, group, or organization pays for political ads? There are many ways to address this question. You can look at one social media platform, and how it does advertisements.  Also, you could look at how one government wants to regulate social media.  Do you believe those regulations will be effective?


#4 Social Cause

Persuade people to support an important social cause. Research why that cause is important, and why people should act and support it. When you select a social cause, think about the arguments against making a change. For almost every social cause there is a movement against it. Explore both sides.

A good way to approach this topic is to include facts, statistics, and examples of the need to change something. The more evidence you have, the stronger your case for change is, and why people need to act.  A great way to conclude this topic is by stating what people can do to make things better.


#5 Good Habit/Bad Habit

Persuade people to start a good habit and maintain it or persuade people to stop a bad habit (e.g. smoking). Research why they should start and keep a good habit.  If you are writing about quitting a bad habit, research why that habit is bad, and how they can quit it.  If you want people to start a habit, what makes that habit good?  Can you justify its benefits to a person?  Are there any people who would say it’s not a good habit?

Something you may want to consider is if a habit is controversial.  For example, are you suggesting a new health habit?  Are you asking people to quit doing something?  Look at arguments against starting or quitting a habit.


#6 Gun Violence in the United States

How should Americans solve the problem of gun violence in the United States? If you choose this topic, select a policy or change people should make and argue for that change. Another way to approach this topic is to argue against a policy or change. Make sure you cover both sides of what you recommend.

You could examine issues like banning assault rifles, arming teachers in schools, overturning the Second Amendment of the US Constitution.  You could also look at issues to help deal with mental illness etc. The best way to address this topic is to limit your essay to one policy because you can find specific research and details.


#7 One Thing to Improve Education

Research one policy change, curriculum change or anything else that will improve education where you live (country, region, state etc.) Convince people as to why they should make that change. When you select a change to education address the reasons why someone would argue against it. One powerful approach to concluding this topic is to suggest what people could do to help create that change.


#8 Free College Education

Should public colleges and universities have free tuition? Some places, like New York State, have free tuition at public colleges.  Some other states in the US also offer some version of free college tuition.  Different countries also have free public colleges.  Research different options and examine opposing points of view. Then argue for or against free college education.


#9 Buying Essays and Research Papers

Should students buy essays online? Write this from a student’s point of view.  (I can’t think of any teachers or professors who would recommend this option.)  Look at the research of how many students buy essays, why they buy essays and the risks and benefits of buying them from companies. Then argue for or against buying essays and research papers.

There are cases in the news where students have been caught buying essays and papers. A good way to approach this topic is to research those cases. This is an extremely controversial topic especially when teachers and professors are grading your essays and papers. Think about how daring you want to be when you hand in an essay on this topic!


#10 One Thing Everyone Should Read

What is a piece of writing everyone should read? This could be a book, newspaper, historical document, comic book, magazine, philosophical essay, poem etc. Select a text you think is the most important or significant thing a person should read. Look at what the text is, and why it’s important. What facts or reasons do you have for why a person should read that text?

It may not seem like it, but this is a controversial topic. The people who read your essay can have very strong feelings about different books, newspaper articles etc.  If you choose a religious text do you think everyone will agree with you? Chances are they won’t. Be prepared to overcome their resistance, by considering reasons why someone will disagree with your choice.


There are a lot of possibilities for intriguing persuasive argumentative essay topics. The key is to write about a topic that fascinates, excites or motivates you and has evidence. When you have those ingredients, you have the makings of a great persuasive essay.

The next step is in how you write the essay.  See how to write a persuasive argumentative essay in the post,“The Ultimate Guide on How to Organize a Strong an Argumentative Essay”

Argumentative Essay Checklist

And download the free printable, The Ultimate Argumentative Essay Checklist. This checklist shows you everything you need to write an impressive and effective persuasive argumentative essay.

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Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash







